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Your name here. NurfarihinAzman known as E-in/IHIN here. An easily confused girl who talks at the speed of a train and walks too slowly; a fashion zombie who goes around chanting "Shoeesssss..."; I'm a supercrazy girl I shout when I get bored or make fun of myself often talks to her cat but always makes wishes at 3105; loves Korean<3 http://www.facebook.com/thicklippies
BOOMZ. ![]() AisyahBeylo | AlirahGyler | Alwani{B} | CHIPS&CHUMS | FilzaRawrr | Gwendaline | Husninah | InsyirahChumi | KarylHelloPanda | Natasha | NurAisyah |
Saturday, November 28, 2009
This is abt my ex irritating sia.. Klu krg nk stead ngan der which is never haha
sial ajer aku kk this is in malay soo haha sowie chinese ppl.. 24/11/09 Syukri:Aku nk patch ngan kau Me:Asl? Syukri:Ngok kwn kau romance ouh yeah on that day went pasir ris beach to celebrate ain's b'day Me:Ya Allah.. I only like u as a fren nt more Syukri:Pls Me:No... Syukri:Sal? Tk lang org ah klu kiter stead Me: I don like u more than a fren thats the thing and why would i b with u if u want to be with me just for romance?? Syukri:Gd bagus aku tk kaua nk romance ngan kau Me:Heh? Syukri:nvm Me:Ouhkay Syukri:Agak aku kau ader mataer kan? Me:Tk lah i'm single Syukri:Eh ye kn Me:-.-" aku tk der lh Syukri:Abe klu stead ngan aku baru ada btol tk? Aku mls nk reply soo ~FEW DAYS LATER~ Syukri:Online Me:Aku tk der kat umah Ouhyeah it was around 12+ Syukri:Kau kat? Me:Kat bwh blk Syukri:Uat per? Motek nagn mataer ehk Me: Da braper kali aku kene lang kau aku tk der mataer kan?! Klu aku ader pon aku nk uat per?! He didnt reply ~FEW DAYS LATER~ Syukri:Wan stead? Me:nope I don wan stead with u. Hw many times must I say it? Syukri:Ah da main u i hehe Me:Ape ni aku kn ckp bahasa eng kn Syukri:Mrh nmpk u ah malay+english i lyk u den mrh chill Me:aku tk mrh Syukri:O...K la kita stead jgn lang org klu mintak stead kata tk nk ade dia kata ada mataer eh then u say mana ada u ngan i tutup mulut je Me:I don like u more than a fren laaa Syukri:U don lyk me anymore i don want fren i wan gurlfren Me:Gy cari popan lain laa. Mentang2 aku jer yg uke kau dulu2. Da nk sec sklh per Syukri:tapi kau paling baik in my life Me: uhuhhhh. Yee lahhhh mak bpk kau... Aku pernak kuang ajar kat kau per Syukri:Pernah tapi kau inSyirah baik ngan aku mostly Me:ouh Syukri:Kau stead ngan aku smpi sec 1 first day den kita break Me:tk nkkk Syukri:kkkkkkkkkkkkk ~FEW DAYS LATER~ Syukri:u i nk stead ngan u alik blh?i nk u.Skrg I lonely sey.teman i lh Me:Find another girl Syukri:My fren jk only Me:uhuhh Syukri:srry bout jusnw tapi memang tol dia kata Me:eh ohhh Syukri:tapi dia ckp whole thing Me:ouhkay ~END OF POST~ haha kk ttyl see you ppl Labels: IRRITATING DUDE
4 days is 4 years
As my parents left the house I kept crying silently
we wanted to send them off to the airport but noone could take care of my youngest brother my dad couldnt stand to see my last brother cry so he asked us to stay at home. I purposely act sleeping but my mothers kiss was the touch of magic it made me cry cuz I couldnt stand them leaving just the kids alone. I'll felt like crying yesterday night cuz I overheared my dad giving money for us within the four days they're away. He gave each of us $20, $50 for food and another $50 for medical help just incase my stomach gets worse. Ouhyeah didnt tell u pple that my stomach aches it hapened yesterday morning during hari raya haji. Back to the story, I woke up acting I was tired but my tears continuely rolled down my cheeks. While typing this post I 'm crying. I guess my tummy knows that my parents are leaving and it purposely aches badly so that my parents will stay just incase my siblings get the sickness too. But when they left, my tummy felt better MISSING THEM SINCE THE 40 MINS AGO NURFARIHIN BTE AZMAN Labels: MISS THEM
Friday, November 27, 2009
SELAMAT HARI RAYA HAJI!!!!!!! haha semangat now at home posting d'uh haha kk umm went to my nenek house mum and dad side only haha kkk dunno what to say alr SEE YOU!!! Labels: 271109
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Well this is my second post today Just reached home from school guess what??? I got 158 but I told daddy I wanted to stayback to get a better results but he said atleast i got in na and he hugged me and said congrats dapat na bagus tak pyah stayback and tears rolled down my cheeks... I wanted to say thax ayah I'll try my best but it'll make me cry more. So I just kept quiet and hugged him. so Yay didnt need to stayback... haha k now I applied for my school and they are:- 1.Siglap 2.Tampines 3.East View 4.Greeanview 5.Bedok North 6.Changkat Changi haha Syirah & Nat I'll meet u gals in Siglap GO SIGLAPIANS!!! Labels: Go Forth with Wisdom and Courage
AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!! Today is like the day I take my results for PSLE and my heart is pumping like the fastest drum beat, fear is always in my head... I agreed to daddy that I'll stayback when i get nt and that agreement is just creeping in my head. When I fail the whole school will know so like I'm praying to Allah hoping to have great results and saying sorry to him for what I have done bad that would make my parents sad. Haha it ryhmes(?) anyways back to the serious part. My dream and every P6's dream is to pass PSLE but its never everyone that could pass some may kill themselves when they fail or maybe run away from home but whats the good point of that??? Staying back is the good thing and its not that shamefull you'll still have the same friends by your side right atleast thats what I think cause I have great frens and they'll always be in my heart except for people I hate E.G. Sapu(Zhofiirah) her mcm sapu thats why Chupa call her that. kk dunno what to say now. SEE YOU
Monday, November 23, 2009
Heyy started a new blog Cuz of some spamming probs so yeah.. I wanted to post abt TM but my sis lost the cam while in KL so yeah. I 'm gonna post the pictures on the last day of school soon but nt now. Wait until i have the mood to wait for it to download. pemalas btol haha lol. kk dah wan find skin for my blog Labels: Firstie |